Technological Progress, Belphegor’s Trap & The Mark of The Beast
Tracing from the antediluvian world, to the attempt by the Tower of Babel builders, and now to the ‘Transhuman-optimist’ of our time; it appears Belphegor is ever pursuing the purpose of trapping humans into a singularity where no Creator will abide.
Belphegor is one of the 7 demons of hell. He is notable for promising men the ability to bring about inventions that will enable them retire into a life of ease and unbounded pleasure.
Belphegor has been linked to the number 666, which is often referred to as the “Number of the Beast” or the “Mark of the Beast.” This association is due to Belphegor’s role as a tempter and corruptor, leading humans astray and encouraging sinful behavior such as licentiousness, greed and selfishness: by making humans indulge in the pride and vanity of their invention, wealth or seeming success.
We see this connection in the story of the Israelites at the vale of Shittim. Baal worship with its debasing and sensual allures was a constant temptation the Israelites had to deal with; but at Shittim, the ease of life and the inviting seductions of the Moabite women eventually dragged the children of Israel into joining themselves with Belphegor, referred to as Baal-Peor in the Hebrew text (Numbers 25: 1–3).
In some occult and esoteric traditions, Belphegor is associated with the material world, technology, and the corruption of human souls through materialism and greed. In this context, the number 666 is sometimes seen as a symbol of humanity’s enslavement to materialism and technology, and Belphegor is viewed as a demonic force driving this enslavement.
Just like the animated movie, ‘Wall-E’, Belphegor’s promise to humanity is to bring about a consensus utopia founded on socioeconomic and technological ingenuity.
There is a growing belief that with Artificial Intelligence and other accelerating technologies, we (humans) may eventually achieve the secret hope of utopia. This hope of a future utopia which is hidden in all our hearts as humans is currently building in intensity as we keep seeing the feats that science and technology is achieving in our time. As progress is being made in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Gene Editing, Quantum Computing, Nanotechnology, 3D printing, Brain Computer Interface (BCI) etc., we find the hope of transhumanism with its promise of longevity, prosperity and immortality; becoming more and more attainable with the powers of human ingenuity.
That peradventure, a technology like Artificial Intelligence, when it reaches AGI (Artificial General Intelligence i.e., a point where it becomes smarter than humans) level, will solve all major problems for humanity. The belief is that, at this stage, there will be abundance of wealth and freedom for every human being living on earth. The AI and its robot controls will do all the jobs, they will provide humans with free healthcare, and attend to humans as gods or mini-gods.
That with transhumanism (merging our human body and biology with AI and machines), we will have the opportunity to extend life and defeat death — these are the honest hopes of many humans as they watch the progress made by science and technology.
In some ways, most humans feel grateful that they live in the unique generation that will figure-out all mysteries to unlock unlimited prosperity with the amazing technologies that we are building and pushing-out. Maybe the promise of the demon, Belphegor, isn’t so bad after all. What is there not to desire about the promise of a transhuman future life of ease and unbounded pleasure?
In all of this, there seems to be a caveat though, there remains the uncanny uneasiness especially when we consider why the almost mysterious prime containing the number 666, bounded by an equally orphic 13 zeroes is named after the demonic lord of the gaps — Belphegor’s Prime.
Belphegor’s prime is a unique number named after the demon Belphegor. Discovered by a mathematician named Harvey Dubner, this prime number can be written in its full form 1000000000000066600000000000001 or written in short form 1 0(13) 666 0(13) 1. Asides from the 13 zeroes which holds its own mystical connotation in numerology, the real intrigue of Belphegor’s Prime is the virile and ‘Armageddonic’ number, ‘666’ which forms its core.
The numbers ‘666’ bodes an eschatological warning (Mark of the Beast) that has kept many in a wary state. So even with the best of what Belphegor has to offer, many minds are unsettled with his promises for a perfect future. At best, the thought that his gifts would be a trojan one –is the fear that many humans familiar with the discussion cannot relinquish.
A Super Intelligent computer (AI) system that will surpass humans in all comparable benchmarks is no longer a fairytale resided in sci-fi books or movies. Amongst leading thought-leaders of the subject, the possibility of AGI or a super intelligent computer is not the debate any longer, the question is the time of its possible manifestation.
With some leading technologist and scientist suggesting that from the year, 2027, we may begin to see the first signs, many others put their prediction only a few years farther, suggestion ranging from 2030 to 2045.
However dismissive we may want to take the subject, the urgency with which some notable world leaders are mounting intensity on the issue, shows they understand the gravity of the situation.
For instance, history was made in the June, 2024 G7 meeting of global leaders this year. The Vatican was, for the first time, represented in the person of Pope Francis, and the singular issue that he focused-on in this all-important meeting, was ‘The need for global AI regulatory frameworks for ethics and culture’.
And this is precisely where the real mischievousness of Belphegor becomes suspect. Humanity has been given the opportunity to build a tool, but this tool will require a standard for ethics and morality. We have built an automaton that will require a fleshly human heart to function. AI development has reached the point where it now requires the breath of life, who will lead the charge for this enterprise of breathing morality into the silicon and digital molds humans have created?
In view of the state of the world, who is worthy enough to lead the charge of designing and developing this framework that will be the heart of the intelligence system which will guide humanity into the future of a forever digitally-enabled paradise?
The Pope and the Vatican has not shied from taking the lead narrative in this discussion. One of the very first real effort in this space was charted by the Vatican through the Pontifical Academy for Life, in the ‘Rome Calls For AI Ethics’ published around February of 2020.
A document that saw some major corporate giants like IBM, Microsoft etc. aligning with the proposals of Rome on the subject. *You can read my somewhat contrarian view on this event in another post. *SEE ARTICLE HERE*
While all of this appears as commendable effort, knowing the nature of Belphegor and his blessings, one has to look again so they can be sure no deception is being orchestrated by the malicious ‘Lord of the Gaps’.
The Vatican with its numerous Papal involvements in the socioeconomic affairs of men, has come down to us from history as an institution involved in many a nefarious agenda, not limited to unwarranted wars and subjecting entire nations to religious tyranny. The medieval reformer, Martin Luther, and many other Protestant investigators of his day; denoted the Papacy as the unquestionable character of the Bible’s book of Daniel 7 (The Little horn power) and Revelation 13 (The Beast from the Sea). Rome with its phallic associations which many see as a symbol directly associated with Belphegor’s worship, has never fully erased the ‘Antichrist’ tag that has followed it from the early Christian church and the Middle Ages.
Seeing as how the association of the Mark of the Beast, or Belphegor’s Invention will lead to the possibility of a central control that will allow its overlord the power of inclusion and restriction for economic activities, i.e. inability to buy and sell except one submits to the Beast authority or aligns with regulatory policies it will enact; it becomes more rational to see why such a power is interested and working towards controlling the global narrative for Artificial Intelligence as it develops.
One of the striking characteristics with which the Papacy is described in the little horn power of Daniel 7, is that it possesses an eye like that of a man. The little horn with an eye clearly describes a system of government where one is under surveillance and being monitored. With a technology such as AI, the Papacy as the little horn power can keep track of every activity, including transactions for buying and selling within its domain. While the Vatican is pushing for AI morality dominance on one end, through financial instruments controlled by its Knights of Malta, the CBDC inclusive, there is push for not only a global acceptance of digital currencies, but also an overhaul of the entire financial system of the world.
With the arrival of an AGI level agentic system, one that can capture all the data fed into a Digital Twin Earth system (already in the Build by the EU with help from companies like Nvidia), no one will be able to escape monitoring from an almost overcontrolling AI system. All transaction, social media activity or digital exchange can be traced and analyzed in real-time.
Just like the Chinese credit scoring system, where dissident members of society are limited by the edicts of the state, we may see a similar model of AI monitoring and censorship based on the frameworks championed by the Papacy. What this framework entails in detail is a topic I hope to discuss in another writeup.
In the future, receiving the Mark of the Beast or becoming bounded by Belphegor’s Prime may take a new kind of ‘literality’ that shouldn’t be ignored in discussions today. The falsity of the promise that humanity will be heading into a millennium of prosperity here on earth is not foreign to the hopes of the Papacy. With the promise of Belphegor, especially through the hopes of a Super Intelligent computer system, humans may fall into the deception as did the Israelites at the vale of Shittim. The Papacy has resigned itself to championing of this false hope by Belphegor, it has resolved to accomplish this by deception and compulsion using such tools as AI to its advantage.
While there is more to be unraveled in this discussion, for example, understanding the true nature or form that the Mark of the Beast will attain, and how AI will be integral in its possibility; for now, this article is merely intended to arouse curiosity and encourage the reader to further investigation into the subject.
It may be that the idea shared in this article is merely imaginative or speculative at best. Alternatively, it may be that, we have come full circle to the eschatological grand-finale of the history of humans, tracing its precedent all the way from the Tower of Babel enterprise. Whatever the case may be, we have but a short time before we decide on which side of the singularity we wish to belong to. On one side is the singularity of paradise promised by the Creator, but demands obedience to His laws; while on the other side is a singularity promised by Belphegor through the Papacy, demanding coercion to the dictates of its system by the receiving of the Mark of the Beast.
The Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin, in his book “The Future of Man” (Harper & Row, 1955, p.182), wrote:
“Although the form is not yet discernible, mankind tomorrow will awaken to a ‘pan-organized’ world”.
This is the important moment in time when all humans need to take thought in preparing for either accepting the seal of the Creator or accepting the Mark of Belphegor through the machinations of the Papacy. The coming US elections and the agendas’ set for the year 2025 all play into this eschatological dilemma.
A good resource to aid a more grounded understanding of this issue is the book, ‘The Great Controversy’ by Ellen G. White. It is my sincere desire that you may find all the truths needed to guide you away from the falsity being propagated by Belphegor through its beastly agents — ‘The Beast from the Sea’ and ‘The Beast from the Earth’.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” — Revelation 13: 16–18
To receive a free copy of the book, ‘The Great Controversy’ by Ellen G. White, see the following link for access: