Revelation 12 & 13 ‘The Great Red Dragon’

kelly Idehen
3 min readJan 9, 2024


The Dragon With 7 Heads & Ten Horns

~ Unleashing ‘The Great Red Dragon’.


The thought hit Kelx like a tsunami — The ‘Great Red Dragon’ of ‘Revelation 12’ was the Devil in the constitution of ‘Pagan Rome’.

Kelx had been doing some eschatological research that morning, and the book he was reading, “A Prophet Speaks To America” by Ellen G. White; just opened his mind to a whole new level of understanding.

It all connected now.

From when Herod, representing the power of Pagan Rome, tried to kill the Messiah as a baby as soon as he was born, to when the early Apostles where ‘martyred’ as a way to stop the advancement of the gospel & prophecy message in its infancy — it was all a continuation of the cosmological war of all ages.

The war between Michael & the Dragon — ‘The Great Controversy’ of the universe.

It was the same ‘Dragon’ that gave its power to the Leopard-like beast of Revelation 13.

The parallel; both of them had seven heads & ten horns.

As Kelx continued to think about the implication of what he had just learnt, he knew he had unlocked a critical key in connecting the book of Revelation and the prophecies of Daniel.

He also knew he had become a marked soul by the Dragon and the legions of hell.

The war in heaven had spilled into the battlefields of earth, and Kelx knew by his recent activities, he had made new weaves in the fabrics of the ether.

He had shifted the nodes of reality, he was now an active agent in this cosmological battle.

There was no going back now.
Time was no longer a luxury for anyone who values true liberty of conscience.

‘The Beast from the Earth’ would soon unlock a new decibel in its speaking like the Dragon.

The year 2025 was already on a count-down. America would soon reveal its true nature (its alignment with ‘The Great Red Dragon’).

How did America in its amiable nature of a Lamb-like beast lose its essence and become one in nature with the preying monsters of the Dragon & the First (Leopard-like) Beast, according to Revelation 13.

Kelx knew the forthcoming propehcy would affect all of humanity.

The year 2025 will set a new milestone for the entire human race, and only those who ready themselves will have the advantage of bracing the storm & escaping the ‘Mark of the Beast’.

The future calls for priest & prophets.
Amidst the supposed ‘busy-ness’ and superficial barrage of information that floods the people daily, who would attend the call?

Kelx purposed in his mind to enlist in the fight against this existential-deluge.

It was a daily battle, he knew it was the daily wins that truly mattered.

He had to be ready for the ‘Seal of the Creator’, this was the thought that he held as he typed the last few words to his digital diary and picked-up his insignia for the day — The Black Levite. ☻️


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kelly Idehen

Author | Ideation & Innovation | Futurist | AI/Emerging Technology Researcher