Tears actually came to my eyes as I was reading ExtremeTech’s review of Stadia, which is a recently Launched gaming platform by Google.
I used to be that guy that can play games all day & all night, stopping at nothing until I see the credits of the game roll.
I thought I had escaped that life now, but see what Google is planning (malicious).
The only hardware you need now is just a gaming pad. You can play games from your browser, Phones and Internet TV’s just like you can from PS4 and Xbox.
They even created a gaming assistant (AI) that can interact and help you through the game, giving you companionship (Mad).
If you want, you can even stream your game to your YouTube channel real-time and have others interact with it (Explosive Marketing Tactic).
Rendering games on the cloud with amazing ‘TeraFlopic’ speeds & delivering to users device as easy to read files is just great (Innovative Thinking).
This will change the gaming industry for a long time to come. I’m thinking VR, AR and holograms (Watch the movie — Ready Player One).
My real fears now are that, Generation Z and those after them will have no shot at building real friendship or enjoy outdoor relationships (I hope I’m wrong).
The tech giants will keep rolling out more crazy products and the lives we live will keep getting constricted into consumerism.
The future is really getting interesting. Me am here just observing.
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